Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Helping Hands

Many of us are small business owners, if we are not owners ourselves we usually work for a very tight knit small business. The nature of competition would suggest that giving your competitors tools to succeed is a poor move. However in  our industry  we have plenty of top notch industry professionals willing to hand over information absolutely free of charge. Information it may have taken a specific person years to attain. This almost counter intuitive behavior, I believe, ultimately stems from a love of the profession as a whole. In a society where statistics show 70%-80% of people hate their job we all not only love it, but want the best for it after we're gone.

Every day my faith is renewed by someone's comments. A prime example is Fakir Musafar, a living legend in the piercing community that has been piercing since the 1940's. This single man has given more to the piercing community than anyone else I have ever personally spoken with. That is just the point though...I have spoken with him. Not at any great length, but I have. I was born in 1990 and I have been piercing professionally almost three years, yet he has still taken the time out to answer questions for me and various others.

The list of generosity goes on for miles, there hasn't been a single day in the last 6 months I haven't seen Brian Skellie helping someone (incredibly effectively). I see many of the same faces day in and day out providing good information for everyone to absorb. This may be one of the truest forms of professionalism I've ever known, doing good for your profession as a whole with no immediate personal gain. Many of us will send clients to one another based on location, some areas even meet up regularly to discuss the status of the community. Individuals like this are the absolute future of this industry in my mind.

As a young piercer I owe it to these people, myself, and the industry to be a good student and stay humble. One day I will be the one passing this information through the ranks through whatever vessel exists. Being young and arrogant its important for me to check myself as often as possible, I don't know it all even if some days I might feel like I do. The good thing is that there seems to be a fail safe built in to the community...If you think you know it all, you probably don't know what you're talking about and someone will make you aware of that immediately.

I propose taking a few moments out of your day today and simply thanking someone who has helped you along your journey in this industry. I wouldn't be where I'm at today had I never stumbled upon the APP website, or the IAM learning forums. Stay humble, and make sure you are forever learning.


  1. If you don't mind me asking, where are you based out of? What has been your experience as someone getting the info as opposed to being witness to the info being given? Do you feel it can be separated that easily? I am going on 2 years piercing and I feel it is easy to relate to your experiences here. But at the same time, how universal can it be for people whom are just starting their journey down the same path to encounter similar situations and judge them based only on that? I feel I don't have a choice but to be level headed and keep a modest disposition with clients but that is why I ask where you're based because it can be seen as more difficult depending on your local area.

    1. I'm based out of the Pittsburgh, PA area. I have done a lot of supplemental learning as far as reading books, anatomy, aseptic classes, industry specific classes, etc. I have paid a lot of money for industry classes which I will continue to take, but I do see a lot of the same good information being passed around through online forums free of charge.

      I have personally witnessed a lot of new piercers, and apprentices treated with respect because of their conduct. In my mind and in the actions I've seen it depends on how you react to the information you've given, how well you know your limits, and what you do to alter your actions once the information has been given that dictates how others in the community will treat you.

      Everyone has a choice whether or not they will be level headed, critically thinking individuals. As far as area dependent; I have worked in Minnesota, New Jersey, New York City, and Pennsylvania... while dialect and the way you phrase things may change its still these basic principals that have carried me to where I am now.

  2. Great words, im part of the industry for 2 years now and Im born in 1991.. Almost the same as you ahah . I share your throughs :)
